Build a WordPress website for
Antique Auctions Art Auctions Car Auctions Charity Auctions Jewelry Auctions Real Estate Auctions
in Minutes


Forward Auctions

Simple forward auctions to build a variety of auction sites — antiques, art, or charity auctions.

Penny Auctions

Set up fast, exciting, bidding fee auctions where participants pre-pay non-refundable fees.

Reverse Auctions

Set up auctions to invite sellers and vendors to compete for the lowest bid price.

Our clients say

"This was exactly what I was looking for. WP Auction Software has provided me with features and functionalities that makes a perfect auctions site."
Darryl Lane
"I just love your software. It is by far the best auction plugin with all the features and at a reasonable price. Their support is also good."
Thomas B
"I love the way sellers can get paid through the site. It is a very useful and simple to use plugin having integrated payment system."
Jennifer Wesley
"Thank you so much for helping us get it setup. It’s awesome!"
Christian Jillie


Ebay Style Auctions

Fully supports vendor marketplace auctions where users can create their own auctions.

Escrow payments

Set up an account to accept payments securely. Prevents fraudulent auction bids.

Every Payment Method

Fully compatible with WooCommerce payments. Run auctions with almost any payment method.

Email Notifications

Participants are automatically sent configurable emails, before and after auctions begin or end.

Bid Watchlist

Users can keeps track of bids happening on their favorite auctions by adding them to a watch list.

Promotion Widgets

Admins can promote auctions using the starting soon, ending soon and upcoming auctions widgets.

Reserve Price

All auction types come with a reserve price which must be met by the winning bid to win the auction.

Buy Now Price

Comes with a buy now price. Users can directly purchase the item at this price without bidding.

Relist Auctions

The plugin comes with an option to automatically re-list the auction if the reserve price is not met.

Easy User Interface

Set up an auction in minutes with the already familiar WordPress & WooCommerce interface.

Safe Authentication

Users are securely logged in before they can bid using inbuilt WooCommerce user management.

Prevent Sniping

Automatically extends auctions by a custom period to prevent last minutes bids and sniping.

Frequently asked questions

Woo Auction Software is a WordPress & WooCommerce plugin that helps you set up and auction website minutes. using WP Auction Software you can set up forward, reverse, and penny auctions.

Yes. Woo Auction Software requires that the free WooCommerce plugin is installed. WP Auction Software adds custom product types to WooCommerce with which you can set up auctions.

It also used WooCommerce for accepting payments from auction participants. This means payments are secure and you get an option to use all the payments gateways that are compatible with WooCommerce.

Yes. Using Woo Auction Software is fully compatible with the Product Vendors extension of WooCommerce.

You can install this extension to create a multi-vendor auction site. That way users will be able to create their own auctions on your website. In return you can charge them a fee. Just like ebay auctions.

Yes. We can help you set up an auction website and all the required plugins. We charge from $20 per hour.

Woo Auction Software is a part of the WPeka family of plugins. You can purchase the plugin here.

Ready to start building a WordPress auction website with Woo Auction Software?